Momentum transfer in 2D harmonic trap
(You can find corresponding files in the TALISES examples folder)
In addition to the regular Rabi-Hamiltonian that only accounts for a time-dependent potential \(\propto e^{i\omega t}\)
(which can be brought into a time-independent form by transforming into a rotating frame),
we acknowledge in this example that the periodic potential that drives the transition is an electromagnetic wave and therefore has also a position-dependency such that the potential \(\propto e^{i\omega t+ i k x}\).
We start the time-propagation with an interact sequence with the potential
0 & 2\pi f_R \, e^{-iky}\\
2\pi f_R\, e^{iky}& - \frac{\hbar k^2}{2m}
As mentioned above, the time-dependency was removed by going into the rotating frame.
The periodic position-dependent potential leads to a change of the states momentun,
since it is basically the position/momentum translation operator \(\hat{T}(k)|k'\rangle =e^{- i k x} |k'\rangle= |k'+k\rangle\).
The diagonal term is due to the fact that the excited state's energy additionaly differs by the kinetic energy \(\frac{\hbar^2k^2}{2m}\) if resonantly excited.
After creating an equal superposition, where the excited state recieves an additional momentum of \(\hbar k\) in y-direction, we switch on a 2D harmonic potential
\frac{m}{2\hbar} \Big(\big( 2\pi f_x x \big)^2 +\big( 2\pi f_y y \big)^2 \Big) & 0\\
0 & \frac{m}{2\hbar} \Big(\big( 2\pi f_x x \big)^2 +\big( 2\pi f_y y \big)^2 \Big)
and let the wave-packets freely evolve for two evolutions, where we set \(f_x = 100\,\text{Hz} \) and \(f_y = 200\,\text{Hz} \).
After this, we recombine both wave-packets with a sequence similar to the initial one, only that the light-field has an additional phase of \(\pi\), so that the probability amplitude completely transfers into the ground state again.
The XML-file reads
<interact Nk="25" dt="0.2" output_freq="packed" pn_freq="each"
V_11_real="0" V_11_imag="0"
V_12_real="2*pi*f_R/2*cos(k*y)" V_12_imag="-2*pi*f_R/2*sin(k*y)"
V_22_real="-hbar*k^2/2/m" V_22_imag="0"
<freeprop Nk="100" dt="2" output_freq="packed" pn_freq="none"
V_11_real="m/hbar/2*((2*pi*f_HO_x*x)^2+(2*pi*f_HO_y*y)^2)" V_11_imag="0"
V_22_real="m/hbar/2*((2*pi*f_HO_x*x)^2+(2*pi*f_HO_y*y)^2)" V_22_imag="0"
<interact Nk="25" dt="0.2" output_freq="packed" pn_freq="each"
V_11_real="0" V_11_imag="0"
V_12_real="2*pi*f_R/2*cos(k*y+pi)" V_12_imag="-2*pi*f_R/2*sin(k*y+pi)"
V_22_real="-hbar*k^2/2/m" V_22_imag="0"